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Draw a Box Lesson 3

Lesson 3: Polygons and Parameters

In the first lesson, nosotros taught the turtle how to draw a square. We ended up with a process that looks like this:

TO Foursquare   REPEAT iv [ FORWARD 100 Correct ninety ] Cease        

In this lesson, nosotros are going to meliorate upon this process. We are going to create a process that draws squares of any size. And we are going to create a procedure that draws other shapes.

Cartoon Squares of Whatsoever Size

Our SQUARE procedure is pretty skillful, but we can make it improve. Right now, the turtle only knows how to describe squares that are 100 pixels long on each side. Let's teach the turtle how to draw squares of whatever size.

We can practice this by using something called a "parameter". A parameter is like a fill-in-the-blank for a procedure. When you define a procedure, you go out some values bare. When you telephone call that process, you give it a value to utilise in that blank.

This may audio complicated, but it's non. In fact, you already know a procedure that takes a parameter: Forrad. When you give the turtle a "FORWARD" instruction, yous can't just say "FORWARD", you as well have to tell him how many screen dots to move forward. This number is a parameter.

We are going to make Square accept a parameter that tells the turtle how long each side should exist.

Activity: Press the "Edall" push and change the SQUARE function to the following:

TO Square :LENGTH   Repeat iv [ Forward :LENGTH Correct 90 ] Finish          

The ":LENGTH" is our parameter. When we use this Foursquare procedure, we have to put a number after it. The number we use volition be the number of pixels that the turtle moves frontward when drawing each side. For example, "SQUARE 10" tells the turtle to make a square with sides that are 10 pixels long.

Nosotros tin use our more powerful Foursquare procedure to draw an interesting design.

REPEAT 10 [ Square REPCOUNT * x ]                
mutliple squares

Drawing a Polygon with any Number of Sides

Now the turtle tin draw a square of any size, but what about other shapes. What almost a triangle? What almost a polygon with five sides? What about a polygon with a hundred sides? Tin we make a single procedure that draws a polygon with whatsoever number of sides?

Permit's look at some lawmaking for drawing polygons and try to observe a design.

Exercise you see a pattern? All of these shapes were drawn by repeatedly moving forward and turning right. The number of times we echo equals the number of sides. The corporeality that we moved forward doesn't change. The amount we turn seems to get smaller with more sides.

Now for the hard part: how much should we turn? If you add upwardly the "exterior angles" of whatsoever airtight polygon, you always become 360°. In the shapes that we have fatigued, all angles are the same size. For example, in a triangle, we have iii angles. Since nosotros take to turn a total of 360° for all iii angles put together, each angle should be 360° divided by 3, or 120°.

So let'due south create a process that tin can draw all of the shapes to a higher place. We'll telephone call this procedure "POLYGON". By the manner, in Logo you split past using the "/" operator.

TO POLYGON :SIDES   Repeat :SIDES [ FORWARD 100 RIGHT 360 / :SIDES ] END        

Activity: Type in the POLYGON procedure and play around with it. What happens when you give it a number less than 3? What happens when you give it a large number, like 50?

Activity: Change the POLYGON procedure to have a :LENGTH parameter, similar we did for the Foursquare routine.

Activity: Create your own procedures that take a parameter. Y'all tin get-go from scratch or you lot can start with one of the samples from any lesson.

Sample Programs

TO RIGHTTRIANGLE :LENGTH   Forrad :LENGTH   Right   135   FORWARD :LENGTH * SQRT 2   RIGHT   135   FORWARD :LENGTH   RIGHT   90 END  TO PYRAMID   Right 45   REPEAT iv [     REPEAT x [ RIGHTTRIANGLE REPCOUNT * x ]     RIGHT 90   ]   LEFT 45 Finish   PYRAMID                
TO POLYGON :SIDES :LENGTH   REPEAT :SIDES [     FORWARD :LENGTH     Correct 360 / :SIDES   ] END  TO HEXAGONFLOWER :PETALS   Echo :PETALS [     POLYGON 5 50     Right 360 / :PETALS   ] Cease  HEXAGONFLOWER x                
TO DOWNSLANT :LENGTH   Echo 2 [     FORWARD :LENGTH     Correct   135     Forrad 20     Correct   45   ]   Right   135   Frontward 20   LEFT    135 Terminate  TO UPSLANT :LENGTH   REPEAT two [     FORWARD :LENGTH     RIGHT   45     FORWARD twenty     Right   135   ]   Correct   45   FORWARD 20   LEFT    45 Terminate   TO Sail   REPEAT 2 [ DOWNSLANT 100 ]   Echo 2 [ UPSLANT   100 ]   DOWNSLANT 100   REPEAT 2 [ UPSLANT   50  ]   DOWNSLANT 50   REPEAT ii [ DOWNSLANT ten  ]   UPSLANT 10 END  SHEET                
TO RECTANGLE :HEIGHT :WIDTH   Echo ii [     Forwards :Top     Correct   90     Forrad :WIDTH     Right   90   ] Cease  TO TRIANGLE :LENGTH   RIGHT 45   Forrad :LENGTH * (SQRT ii) / 2   Correct 90   FORWARD :LENGTH * (SQRT 2) / 2   RIGHT 135   FORWARD :LENGTH   Right 90 END  TO Business firm   ; draw the business firm   RECTANGLE 100 100     ; draw the roof   FORWARD  100   TRIANGLE 100   Dorsum     100    ; depict the door   RIGHT     ninety   Forward   threescore   LEFT      180   RECTANGLE 20 xl   Frontward   60   RIGHT     90 Cease  HOUSE                
TO STAR :LENGTH :POINTS   REPEAT :POINTS [     FORWARD :LENGTH     Correct   180 - (180 / :POINTS)   ] Finish  STAR 200 ix                
STAR 200 9
TO TRIANGLE :LENGTH   Echo 3 [Forwards :LENGTH RIGHT 120 ] Terminate  TO TRIANGLEFLOWER :LENGTH :COUNT   REPEAT :COUNT [      TRIANGLE  :LENGTH     Correct     360 / :COUNT   ] Stop  TO WEB   REPEAT half dozen [ TRIANGLEFLOWER REPCOUNT * 25 18 ] Stop  WEB                

Challenge Questions

  • How can you make shorter name for FORWARD than FD?
  • How can you write a POLYGON command that draws all polygons with the same circumference?
